Friends of Tunbridge Wells Cemetery at Hawkenbury


Snelgrove Angel Blank Cards £2.50
Designed to raise funds to repair the Snelgrove Angel these cards illustrate a detail from the mosaic.
Available at events and from Caroline Auckland- carolineauckland@btinternet.com
Published September 2018
Remembered', the stories of the seventy three servicemen of the First World War from Great Britain, Canada, Australia, South Africa and the United States of America who lie in the Tunbridge Wells Borough Cemetery in graves which are maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.
Book cost £5:00.
Postage and packaging £2:00.
If delivery address is in Tunbridge Wells, Langton Green or Southborough, the book will be hand delivered without cost.
The Cemetery Office now has copies of the Friends Book Remembered in the Office.
If a person you know wants to acquire a copy of Remembered, please let them know the Office is open 9-5 Monday to Thursday and 9-4 on Fridays.
£5 in cash only. No cheques please.

Remembered Two
Published November 2019
Remembered Two tells the
stories of the sixty three service men and women who
died in the Second World War and who are buried in
the cemetery
Book cost £5:00.
Postage and packaging £2:00.
Copies are now available from the Cemetery Office on weekdays for £5 cash only.

A walk round some interesting memorials: Tunbridge Wells Borough Cemetery
Published September 2015 Price £3
Postage and packaging £2:00.
Twenty interesting memorials to visit. Containing a map and details of some of the Victorian and Edwardian residents of Tunbridge Wells who are buried in the cemetery.
The front cover depicts Lady Allison Fairbairn as painted by William Holman Hunt. [Currently on exhibition in Torre Abbey Museum].Lady Fairbairn, surrounded by her children is presented as the archetype Victorian Angel in the House, whilst her well-dressed children frolic in the beautiful surroundings of the grounds of the family estate. Silver tea urns, oranges and coral jewellery suggest family wealth and the tethered deer symbolize a taming of nature in true Pre-Raphaelite style.
Other memorials include an asylum physician, a Lt Colonel in the Bengal Lancers, a Regency courtesan and a suffragette.

William Brentnall 1929 - 1894 Surveyor and Engineer:
A many-sided man
Published October 2015 Price £3
Postage and packaging £2:00.
A self -taught engineer, Brentnall carried out a huge range of public works to benefit Tunbridge Wells. These involved the water supplies including sewerage and drainage for the town plus it's lighting, brick pavements and asphalting of dusty roads. He also designed the Cemetery.
The memoir is compiled by Carol Mellors and June Bridgeman.

Memorial Symbols:
A walk in Tunbridge Wells Borough Cemetery
Published September 2016 Price £3
Postage and packaging £2:00.
Takes an explorer around 22 viewing points whilst explain the features and symbols to look out for when reading the stones in a graveyard.
Booklet research and text by June Bridgeman and Sue White. Photographic studies and angelic expertise by Caroline Auckland.
The Forgotten Poor
Published March 2018 Price £3
Postage and packaging £2:00.
The Forgotten Poor are very hard to find in any cemetery. The back cover illustrates some unmarked graves. The pauper's family did not own the grave: it had been paid for by the parish which continued to own it. It could not be marked and other paupers would also be placed in the same graves.
This booklet looks at the 6 individuals buried in the new cemetery at Frant Forests between 1875 and 1877. It highlights the roads which could lead to a pauper's grave. Not all paupers were born into poverty but would arrive there through the loss of a breadwinner, mental and other health issues and the frailty of old age. This was a time long before a national health service, free vaccinations, child allowances, unemployment benefits and old age pensions.
We are reminded that whilst Tunbridge Wells was expanding with huge, handsome, new properties attracting the wealthy and successful and whilst visitors were taking the waters on the Pantiles, at the same time the Workhouse, out of sight on the outskirts of the town, was harbouring the desperate and telling a very different story. This booklet remembers 6 stories, a small insight into the forgotten poor in Tunbridge Wells Cemetery.
Authors: Carol Mellors & June Bridgeman
Guardian Angels
Published September 2019 Price £3
Postage and packaging £2:00.
This booklet gives a brief history of angel sculpture , the introduction of guardian angels into Tunbridge wells Cemetery and the impact of shifting public perceptions and beliefs.
It then scrutinises twelve Guardin Angels within convenient walking distance of the chapels and tells the stories of those over whom they still stand guard today. A map locates where each may be found.
Compiled by Carol Mellors and members of the history research team with photographic help from Caroline Auckland.

The Caring Professions
Nurses, VADs and Radiographers
Published September 2020.
Price £5
Postage and packaging £2:00.
Please contact Noreen O'Meara email: noreenomeara442@btinternet.com
Celebrating the early nurses, First World War VADs and other healthcare professionals whose graves are in Tunbridge Wells Cemetery.
Researched and compiled by Ann Bates, Noreen O'Meara, Carol Mellors and Caroline Auckland .
Copies of all publications with the exception of 'Remembered' and Remembered Two available in person at Friends events :
Cheques payable to: The Friends of Tunbridge Wells Cemetery.
Copies also available in the Cemetery Office situated inside the entrance to the Crematorium driveway.