Friends of Tunbridge Wells Cemetery at Hawkenbury

Memorial Inscription Group
This group was established in 2011. It records and researches information from memorials. The cemetery opened in 1873 when Woodbury Park became full. Today there are over 40,000 graves so the group focuses on recording the earliest graves.
There are many fascinating characters buried in this cemetery such as:
Rachel Beer (nee Sassoon) 1858-1927. First female Editor in Chief of The Times and The Observer and aunt to Siegfried Sassoon.
Edward Marshall Hall 1858-1927 Formidable orator and barrister and inspiration for Rumpole of the Bailey
George Richard Raines Turner 1825-1898 Deaf and dumb from Scarlet Fever, self employed wood turner and accomplished amateur photographer.
The group has also researched those with no memorials buried in unmarked Victorian paupers’ graves.
So the group may take information and go on to produce booklets, guided walks, talks and exhibitions to recall and celebrate lives.
The group welcomes new members with an interest in local history and with all types of expertise. If you don’t wish to get on your knees to explore gravestones you may enjoy doing research at home or in the library, or putting a booklet together, giving a talk or writing an occasional short blurb for our Friends’ Newsletter.
The group meets 4 times a year in the Chapel at the Cemetery.

Snelgrove Family Grave
Currently about 3,000 out of 43,000 have been recorded. www.deceasedonline.com and www.findagrave.com have millions of records, and will indicate which cemetery they are buried in. We are in the process of creating a searchable database and you can contact us through the website if you require further information, or wish to join us.
Useful sites:
Family Search http://www.familysearch.org​
Find a Grave http://www.findagrave.com
Commonwealth War Graves Commission: http://www.cwgc.org
Deceased on line: https://www.deceasedonline.com/
Friends of Woodbury Park Cemetery: http://www.fwpc.org.uk/
The National Archives: http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/
Family History Society: www.nwkfhs.org.uk