Friends of Tunbridge Wells Cemetery at Hawkenbury

The Friends Group was set up in 2014 with three aims:
• to further the protection, conservation and sympathetic enhancement of the Cemetery for public benefit and enjoyment;
• to record and foster its heritage of monuments and its ecological importance; and
• to foster its appropriate use as an educational resource for the community.
We have two main projects in hand
• making records of all the inscriptions on graves from 1876 to 1914;
• research and publications on the lives of the many people buried in the cemetery
We welcome anyone interested in supporting the work of the Friends and keen to join in our programme of activities.
To join please print out this page and cut out the form below and complete.
I wish to become a member of the Friends of Tunbridge Wells Cemetery
Full Name
Tel : Email:
If you don’t have an email address, please consider an obliging neighbour or friend who would receive email for you. This will help keep our costs down, and also allow us to contact you more easily.
The current annual subscription is £10. Any donation towards the work of restoring the memorials would be gratefully received.
I enclose a cheque made payable to FTWC for £…………
I am interested in learning about or helping with:...(please tick as appropriate)
Just being a "Friend" Monument History / Conservation Photography
Plant & Wild life Gardening / tidying Fundraising Committee work
Publications & Newsletters Landscaping Design / artwork Other
.......................................... ..................................... ...................................... .....................
Signed : Date
Please send to FTWC, 32 Birling Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 5LY Tel: 01892 525500
For office use
Membership number: Additional donation : Date card issued: